Sign Up Pages + ACH

Published on December 13, 2016

Sign up pages now support ACH payments!

Although subscriptions have always supported ACH payments, the onboarding process was less than ideal. This realease fixes that by allowing customers to purchase subscriptions straight from your sign up page and sign up for ACH payments.

sign-up-page-achYou can build your first sign up page in Settings > Sign Up Pages or read the Sign Up Pages Guide to learn more. You also need to enable ACH payments in Settings > Payments to start allowing ACH sign ups.

We have several other improvements to share as well:

  • Partial payments can be disabled in Settings > General
  • Customers can self-enroll in AutoPay from the payment page if you enable this feature in Settings > General
  • We now automatically follow up with your customer when they need to verify their bank account
  • Subscription onboarding requests have been removed. If an AutoPay customer is missing a payment source we now send them the first invoice automatically. Upon payment we will capture their payment information.
  • Updated the Subscription Billing Guide

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Published on December 13, 2016

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